quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012

outhern Study Group of the North American Kant Society

The Southern Study Group of the North American Kant Society is pleased to announce that its meeting for 2012 will be held at Oklahoma State University (Stillwater, OK) from Saturday, September 15th  to Sunday, September 16th, 2012.

The meeting will feature Stephen Palmquist (Hong Kong Baptist University) and possibly one further keynote speaker.  Papers on any area of Kant studies will be considered, but submissions pertaining to Kant’s philosophy of religion are particularly encouraged.

Papers already read at other NAKS study groups or meetings may not be submitted.  Papers should be limited to 30 minutes reading time (approximately 4500 words). All submissions should be prepared for blind review and should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 300 words. The deadline for submission is April 15th, 2012 with notification by mid-June.  NAKS membership is mandatory for submissions. (Please go to the “members only” section of our website and follow the link to submit and/or become a member). The best graduate student submission will receive a stipend of $200 and be eligible for the Markus Herz Prize. Selected papers are also eligible to be considered for inclusion in the book series Rethinking Kant, published by Cambridge Scholars Press.
Submit your paper in Adobe (.pdf) or MS Word (.doc, .docx) format via email attachment to Lawrence Pasternack (L.pasternack@okstate.edu) with “NAKS submission” as the email’s subject.  Your paper should include a cover page with only its title and abstract.  In the body of the email, include the title, abstract, author’s name, and contact information.

Transportation from the Tulsa airport to campus will be provided.  Lodging will be available at OSU’s Atherton hotel (www.athertonhotelatosu.com).  Updates and further information will be available at: snaks.tamu.edu.