Conheça o Porto X-Phi Lab

The Porto X-Phi Lab is a laboratory of experimental philosophy funded by the Mind, Language and Action Group of the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Porto and founded through the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team of researchers.
Experimental philosophy is the burgeoning field of philosophy that casts philosophical problems into questions about how humans think and feel, and utilizes experimental or quasi-experimental methods to probe such questions. Therefore, it also belongs to the domain of the cognitive sciences, including the neurosciences. Within this field, we shall develop a research program on agency and moral psychology, which involves studies on themes surrounding the concepts of action, intentional action, free action, moral wrongdoing and moral responsibility. Our program is starting with three lines ofresearch.
With origins dating back to the eighteenth century, the University of Porto is the largest education and research institution in Portugal. Built along the hillsides overlooking the mouth of the Douro River,Porto is one of the oldest European centers and is registered as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
Our aim is to develop a research program on agency and moral psychology. Currently, three lines of research are being pursued.
Carlos Mauro (Lab Coordinator) – Associate Coordinator, Mind, Language and Action Group, Institute of Philosophy, University of Porto | Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Portuguese Catholic University, Porto, Portugal
Paulo Sousa (Lab Associate Coordinator) – Assistant Director, Institute of Cognition and Culture; Lecturer in Cognitive Anthropology, School of History and Anthropology, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK
Joshua Knobe (Lab Consultant) – Assistant Professor, Program in Cognitive Science and Department of Philosophy, Yale University, USA
Fernando Ferreira-Santos – PhD Student/Researcher, Neuropsychophysiology Laboratory, University of Porto, Portugal | Visiting Student (2010-2012), Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, Institute of Child Health, University College London (UCL), UK
Research Assistants
Pedro Cardona – BA Student, Department of Philosophy, University of Porto, Portugal
Rodrigo Cid – MA Student, Department of Philosophy (PPGLM), Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Tiago Paiva – MSc Student, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
Eva Raposo – MA Student, Department of Philosophy, University of Porto, Portugal
Associate Researchers
Pedro R. Almeida – PhD Student/Researcher, Neuropsychophysiology Laboratory, University of Porto, Portugal
Ivan E. de Araujo – Assistant Fellow, John B. Pierce Laboratory; Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, Yale University, USA
Susana Cadilha – PhD Student, Department of Philosophy, University of Porto, Portugal
Rita Gaio – Professor, Center and Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto, Portugal
Colin Holbrook – Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Behavior, Evolution & Culture, Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Cynthia Macdonald – Professor, Department of Philosophy, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK
Danilo Marcondes – Professor, Department of Philosophy, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil
Jorge Moll – Head of LABS-D’Or Center for Neuroscience; Investigator, Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience Unit, D’Or Institute for Research and Education
Ricardo Oliveira-Souza – Investigator, Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience Unit, D’Or Institute for Research and Education
Mirella L. M. F. Paiva – Visiting Researcher, D’Or Institute for Research and Education | Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil
Jared Piazza – Postdoctoral Research Assistant, School of Psychology, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, UK
Diego Rios – University Researcher, Department of Philosophy, Helsinki University, Finland
Erika Salomon – PhD Student, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Noel Struchiner – Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil
Lauren Swiney – PhD Student, Institute of Cognition and Culture, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK
João Teixeira – Professor, Department of Philosophy, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
Joana B. Vieira – PhD Student, Neuroscience Doctoral Program, Faculty of Medicine; Researcher, Neuropsychophysiology Laboratory, University of Porto, Portugal