terça-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2011

15 Simposio Latinoamericano de Lógica Matemática (The 15th Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic)

The 15th Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic,SLALM2012, will be held in Bogota, Colombia, during the week of June 4 to 8, 2012. The first SLALM (Simposio Latinoamericano de Lógica Matemática) was held in 1970 in Santiago de Chile and subsequent meetings have taken place in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Costa Rica,and Mexico. In addition to plenary talks, this meeting will include four special sessions on Algebraic and Non-classical logics, Model Theory, Recursion and Computer Science Logic, and Set Theory. Four tutorial courses are planned during the week previous to the meeting.

Invited speakers include:

* Deirdre Haskell (McMasterUniversity, Canada)
* Denis Hirschfeldt (Chicago, USA)
* Ulrich Kohlenbach(Darmstad, Germany)
* Benedikt Löwe (ILLC,Netherlands)
* Antonio Montalbán (Chicago, USA)
* Justin Moore (Cornell,USA)
* Daniele Mundici (Florence,Italy)
* Alf Onshuus (U. de losAndes, Colombia)
* Valeria de Paiva (PaloAlto Research, USA)
* Tom Scanlon (Berkeley,USA)
* Simon Thomas (Rutgers,USA)
* Jouko Väänänen (Helsinki,Finland)

Contributions are invited in all the areas of mathematical logic. 
Abstracts of talks must be submitted, indicating the session closest 
totheir topic, by March 4th, 2012, to the e-mail address: 
The SLALM2012 is sponsored by the Association for SymbolicLogic (ASL), 
the Universidad de los Andes, the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 
and Colciencias.

The ASL offers modest travel support to graduate studentmembers 
interested in attending the symposium. Applications and 
recommendations should be received at the latest by March 4th, 2012. 
Further information can befound at 

PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Xavier Caicedo (U. de los Andes,Colombia), Walter 
Carnielli (U. de Campinas, Brasil), Roberto Cignoli (U. deBuenos 
Aires, Argentina), Carlos Di Prisco (IVIC, Venezuela), Rod Downey 
(Victoria University, New Zealand), Angus Macintyre (Queen Mary 
College,England), Menachem Magidor (U. of Jerusalem, Israel), 
Francisco Miraglia (U. deSao Paulo, Brasil), and Charles Steinhorn 
(Vassar College, USA).

ORGANIZING COMMITTE: Alexander Berenstein, Xavier Caicedo,Luis Jaime 
Corredor, Carlos Di Prisco, Ramiro de la Vega, José Iovino, John 
Goodrick, Alf Onshuus, Andrés Villaveces, and Fernando Zalamea.

CONTACT INFORMATION: For additional information please visit the 
meeting's website:
or write to the the contact address: slalm@uniandes.edu.co