The Philosophy Department of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. invites applications for the following position: Asst. Prof., tenure-track, beginning fall quarter, 2012. 3 courses/quarter (9/ year), undergraduate. Usual non-teaching duties. AOS: Environmental Ethics and Policy. AOC: Open; however, the department has teaching needs in feminism and race studies. Candidates with appropriate qualifications will also be expected to contribute leadership and expertise to the interdisciplinary degree program in Science, Technology, and Society. Teaching duties also include lower-division general education courses. Ph.D. required by September 1, 2012. Experience preferred. Salary competitive. Cal Poly Pomona is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.
For a full position description, see Application should include: (1) a cover letter that describes the candidate’s teaching and research experience and interests, and that addresses the duties and qualifications articulated in the position description; this must include a statement of the candidate’s teaching philosophy within a multicultural environment with examples of past experiences; (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) three recent (dated within the past two years) letters of reference, at least one of which (at least in part) addresses teaching qualifications; (4) names, addresses and phone numbers of two additional references; (5) a writing sample; (6) a completed application form, which can be obtained from the URL above; (7) a transcript showing highest degree earned (an official transcript will be required of finalists). Send application to: Philosophy Search Committee, c/o Peter Ross, Philosophy Department, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA 91768. The position is open until filled. First consideration will be given to completed applications postmarked by December 9, 2011