University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
March 23-24, 2012
This conference will bring together philosophers and legal scholars interested in the pragmatist tradition, whether as critics or advocates, so that each might learn from the other. The Keynote Address will be delivered by Robert Brandom of the University of Pittsburgh.
Participants include:
David Boersema (Philosophy, Pacific), Brian Butler (Philosophy & Law,
UNC Asheville), Tom Burke (Philosophy, South Carolina), Matthew
Chrisman (Philosophy, Edinburgh), Janice Dowell (Philosophy,
Nebraska), Heidi Li Feldman (Law, Georgetown), Danielle Macbeth
(Philosophy, Haverford), Martin J. Stone (Law, Cardozo), Karl Schaffer
(Philosophy, Pittsburgh), Michael Sullivan (Philosophy & Law, Emory),
Robert Talisse (Philosophy, Vanderbilt), Lynne Tirrell (Philosophy,
UMass Boston), and Benjamin Zipursky (Law, Fordham).
We invite papers in all areas of philosophy and law related to the conference theme, including but not limited to the following: pragmatic accounts of the evolution of legal meaning, the common law method, constitutional law, law and economics, hate speech, justice theory, and normative discourse. To participate in this conference, submit an abstract of no more than 300 words via email to The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2011. Individuals will be notified of decisions regarding submissions in mid-December. Chairs and commentators are also needed: if you are interested, please indicate areas of competence. A selection of the conference's papers will be published by MIT Press as part of its Topics in Contemporary Philosophy Series. All accepted papers, including commenting papers, will be considered for publication.