segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2013

PERSP Workshop on the As and Bs in the Philosophy of Time

Barcelona 19-20 Sept 2013 
at Residència d'Investigadors (Hospital 64)

Organized by Dan López de Sa (UB) & Stephan Torre (Aberdeen)
Sponsored by PERSP (workpackages B1 & S1) & Universitat de Barcelona


-How exactly should the debate between A-theorists and B-theorists be characterized?
-Is there genuine disagreement between A-theorists and B-theorists?
-If so, what is the source of the disagreement?
-What connection, if any, exists between the temporalism/eternalism debate for propositions and the A theory and the B-theory?
-What role does the notion of temporal passage play in the debate between the two theories?
The workshop will have a 'read-ahead' format: papers will not be presented in the sessions but instead they will be made available to registered participants to read ahead of time. Each session will be dedicated to a presentation from the commentator, a brief reply by the speaker, and the bulk of the time will be allotted for discussion. 
Confirmed invited speakers include:
Fabrice Correia (Neuchâtel) & Sven Rosenkranz (ICREA-UB) 
Natalja Deng (Geneva) 
Ned Markosian (Western Washington)
Josh Parsons (Oxford)
Oliver Pooley (Oxford)
Meghan Sullivan (Notre Dame)
In order to register (no fee), please contact Chiara Panizza at before 12 September 2013.