On June 8, 2012 it was the fifth anniversary of the early demise of Richard Rorty, one of the most important philosophers of the latter half of the twentieth century. The International Symposium Richard Rorty wishes to honor the author of Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature with a meeting in Buenos Aires of an important group of philosophers (from Latin America, Europe and the U.S.) who were his friends, colleagues, disciples or scholars that worked on his thought. Over four days, it will be developed an intense debate around the main centers of Rorty's work. The discussion will be open to the public and free of charge.
Michael Williams, Christopher Voparil and Federico Penelas were the original promoters of the idea of the symposium that was ultimately supported by Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) within the Program of Graduate Studies in Philosophy and the Master and Doctoral Program in Epistemology and History of Science; programs which are led by Cesar Lorenzano. The Symposium, under the academic an executive coordination of Federico Penelas and Verónica Tozzi, will be developed at the Pos-graduate Center of UNTREF, located in the Centro Cultural Borges.
Besides UNTREF, the Symposium has the support of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (SAAP), the Grupo de Acción Filosófica (GAF) and the ANPCyT’S research project "Semantic and Epistemic Paradoxes: Apriority, Self-Reference and Pragmatic Factors ", which is directed by Alberto Moretti.