"How Much Philosophy in the Philosophy of Science?"
Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
March 11–14, 2013
In September 2011 the German Society for Philosophy of Science (Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsphilosophie – GWP; www.wissphil.de) was founded with the aim to better integrate the German community of philosophers of science and scientists interested in philosophy of science, and thereby to promote the field at a local as well as an international level. The GWP aims to organize an international conference every three years. The first conference will take place in Hannover with the overarching theme "How much philosophy in the philosophy of science?" (See <http://www.wissphil.de/gwp2013/announce.htm> for aims and scope of the conference.)
The conference is open for contributions on any topic within the philosophy of science, construed broadly, and contributed papers will be clustered into parallel sessions focusing on a particular theme or special science. The overarching theme of the conference will explicitly be addressed in the plenary lectures as well as a number of parallel sessions. Contributed papers that address the conference theme are therefore particularly encouraged. Plenary lectures will be given by:
Peter Godfrey-Smith (New York)
Stephan Hartmann (Tilburg)
James Ladyman (Bristol)
Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (Athens)
Sandra D. Mitchell (Pittsburgh)
Margaret Morrison (Toronto)
Wolfgang Spohn (Konstanz)
We welcome proposals for individual papers (30 min plus 10 min discussion) or symposia (3 speakers in a 2-hour session). Graduate students are especially encouraged to submit proposals for either individual papers or symposia. All submissions will be subjected to a blind refereeing procedure. Proposals for papers should include the title and abstract (up to 500 words), but no personal information. Please attach a second file with your name, affiliation, contact details, and the title of the submitted paper. Symposia proposals should include the symposium title, a description of the symposium’s rationale (up to 500 words) and for each of the 3 speakers the title and abstract (up to 500 words), but no names. Please attach a second file with names, affiliations, contact details of the symposium organizers and speakers, and the title of the proposed symposium. If your paper/symposium addresses the overarching conference theme, please indicate this in the attached file where names etc. are specified. If you or (one or more of) the speakers in your symposium are graduate students, please indicate this, too.
Satellite career workshop: The conference will also host a satellite career workshop, supported by the Andrea-von-Braun Foundation, for junior researchers that concentrates on the hands-on side of the conference topic. The workshop language (German/English) is dependent on which guests will be on the panel. For details see <http://www.wissphil.de/gwp2013/sat.htm>.
For submission via EasyChair see: <http://www.wissphil.de/gwp2013/announce.htm>.
The deadline for all submissions is: 30 September 2012.
Organization: Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Dietmar Hübner, Meinard Kuhlmann, Holger Lyre, Thomas Reydon, Torsten Wilholt