25 e 26 de janeiro de 2013
The North and South American Forum for Social Criticism brings philosophers from all the Americas together to explore issues and topics in Continental Philosophy. Its purpose is to promote the vitality of this tradition and its ways of thinking in the face of rapidly changing democracies and the need for global dialogue and responsibility. The Forum is pluralist and welcomes contributions from all philosophical backgrounds
organização: Prof. Dr Marco Casanova (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro)
Prof. Dr. Michael Steinmann (Stevens Institute of Technology)
apoio: Sociedade Brasileira de Fenomenologia
instituição: Stevens Institute of Technology
submissões: até 15 de Setembro de 2012
normas: Papers should address one (or both) of the following topics:
1. The body, modern technology, and topologies of the human
2. Humanism, posthumanism, transhumanism: horizons of Continental Philosophy
Send detailed abstract to e-mail. For more information see the blog.
local: Stevens Institute of Technology, NJ, USA
Castle Point on Hudson Hoboken, NJ 07030
contato: after.usconference@gmail.com