14-15 May, 2012
University of Namur - ESPHIN
"Salle académique", Faculty of Law - 5th floor - Rempart de la vierge, 5, NAMUR. The workshop aims at provide young researchers in metaphysics the opportunity to present and discuss their current work on the ontology of time. This workshop will be hosted by the Department of Sciences, Philosophies and Societies of the Faculty of Sciences and the ESPHIN center (Centre d'Etudes Sciences et PHilosophie à Namur) of the University of Namur (Belgium).
Baptiste Le Bihan, University of Rennes 1
Muriel Cahen, Institut Nicod – EHESS – Paris
Michele Salimbeni, Institut Nicod – EHESS - Paris
Damiano Costa, University of Geneva - eidos
Giuliano Torrengo, University of Barcelona - LOGOS
Marta Campdelacreu, University of Barcelona - LOGOS
Samuel Baron, University of Sydney – Center for Time
Mathieu Cornélis, University of Namur – ESPHIN
14th Monday
9h15 Opening
9h30 Marta Campdelacreu (University of Barcelona - LOGOS) : Do we Need Two Notions of Constitution?
10h30 Discussion
11h Coffee Break
11h15 Samuel Baron ( University of Sydney - Center for Time): Presentism and Endurantism
12h15 Discussion
12h45 Lunch
14h00 Michele Salimbeni (Institut Nicod - EHESS): Possible Worlds, Time and Film
15h00 Discussion
15h30 Coffee break
15h45 Mathieu Cornélis (University of Namur - ESPHIN) : A Study About Identity and Four-dimensionalism
16h45 Discussion
17h15 End
15th Tuesday
9h15 Opening
9h30 Baptiste Le Bihain (University of Rennes 1): A World Without Time
10h30 Discussion
11h Coffee Break
11h15 Damiano Costa (University of Geneva - eidos): Events and Objetcs in Time
12h15 Discussion
12h45 Lunch
14h00 Giuliano Torrengo (University of Barcelona - LOGOS): How Should an Error Theory of the Passage of Time be Like?
15h00 Discussion
15h30 Coffee break
15h45 Muriel Cahen (Institut Nicod - EHESS): Dynamic Temporal Relations
16h45 Discussion
17h15 End
Everyone is cordially invited. Registration is not required.
Informations: mathieu.cornelis@fundp.ac.be<mailto:mathieu.cornelis@fundp.ac.be> or mireille.meert@fundp.ac.be<mailto:mireille.meert@fundp.ac.be>
Sponsoring: University of Namur, FNRS and CNRL