The Society for Applied Philosophy intends to offer two scholarships for doctoral work in applied philosophy* in a UK university (subject to suitable candidates coming forward). The level of the award will be up to £8,000 per scholarship and will be held for one year**. Applicants must have applied for AHRC funding where eligible (either in the open studentship competition or via a block grant holder***), and the SAP scholarship will only be awarded when the AHRC has informed candidates of its decisions. In addition, applicants must declare all other sources of funding they are receiving and whether they are awaiting a decision from a further source/s to support their doctoral research (fees and maintenance). The closing date for 2012 applications is Monday 6th August (applications for 2012 can be submitted from 1 May 2012) . Applicants are responsible for ensuring that complete applications, including references, arrive by the deadline.
*applications can be made by students studying in any department within a UK university undertaking doctoral research in applied philosophy.
**successful applicants may apply for a second year of funding. Applications will be considered alongside all other applications made in that year.
***applicants may be ineligible for AHRC funding in some year because a block grant is available only in other years and the existence of the block grant prevents them for applying in open competition.
Applicants must send:,
a curriculum vitae (no more than 2 sides of A4),
an outline of the proposed research (no more than 500 words),
evidence of an application to the AHRC or a statement explaining lack of eligibility,
a statement testifying that they have no other source of funding,
and evidence that they have been accepted onto an appropriate Ph.D. programme
Together these items constitute one application, please send (in total) three copies of your application (each application should be independently stapled or paperclipped in the above order) to the postal address below.
S.A.P. Doctoral Scholarship
C/o Jon Cameron
19 College Bounds
University of Aberdeen
AB24 3UG
In addition:
To be considered, applicants must also ask two academic referees to write directly to the above address providing references in support of their application (in total, three copies of each reference are required).
The following further notes should also be considered:
1. In cases where applicants have funding from other sources the SAP grant may be reduced to ensure that the applicant’s overall funding does not exceed the level of a full AHRC grant.
2. Applicants who are not eligible for AHRC funding are expected to have applied for any other sources of funding for which they are eligible. They should list the sources of funding that they have applied for in their application.
3. Incomplete applications, including those with missing references, will not be considered.