segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012

Variations in Arts and Sciences. Aspects of a relationship beyond nature and technology.

Location will be announced
Deadline: May 1, 2012

In recent years, the divergence of science and art has become a focus of international research. The most important topic is the artistic relationship between the engineering and natural sciences since the Renaissance. Researchers have also worked on the role of art in social or scientific education. However, the clarification of the traditional function of art, science and technology automatically relativize the modern and popular concept of art independent in the canon of human creations. The myth of autonomous art is questionable.
But - and here the "Variations" conference would like create fresh perspectives – debates should not only desire from the classical polarization between the humanities and natural sciences. Neglected aspects, such as the relationships of the arts to modern anthropology, economic theory, theology and philosophy must be revised too. Just as the influence of scientific theory and/or science policy on artistic creations can also be discussed. We are looking for submissions on the following topics:
I. Fundamental
• Arts & Sciences: Differences and similarities in methodology, objectives, etc.
• Artist/writer as the antithesis of the scientific man
• Universal Science vs. Universal Concepts in Art
II. Sciences 
• Transformations between the arts and sciences, such as archaeology, anthropology, philosophy, political science, theology, economics etc.
• Theoretical positions in film, art, literature or the theatre
• Representations of science in artistic disciplines
• Artistic cultures in politics or economics
III. Contexts 
• Interactions between art - science – government policy
• National vs. global discourses 
• Friendship between artists and scientists
The aim of this conference is not only a short-term scientific exchange. A further and very central concern is the establishment of a European Network in 2014. Applications for funding will be provided in 2013. The conference languages are German, English and French.
Current and recently graduated Doctoral and Post Doctoral scholars are encouraged to submit an abstract of no more than 3000 words by May 1, 2012
(Include a short CV and information on your willingness to cooperate). Please send your documents to naturescienceart