quinta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2012

Three Remarks on the Interpretation of Kant on Incongruent Counterparts

Autor: Rogério Passos Severo

Kant’s treatments of incongruent counterparts have been criticized in the recent literature. His 1768 essay has been charged with an ambiguous use of the notion of ‘inner ground’, and his 1770 claim that those differences cannot be apprehended conceptually is thought to be false. The author argues that those two charges rest on an uncharitable reading. ‘Inner ground’ is equivocal only if misread as mapping onto Leibniz notion of quality. Concepts suffice to distinguish counterparts, but are insufficient to specify their spatial forms. Kant’s claims are reasonable and plausible, and have been reaffirmed repeatedly in contemporary discussions of demonstrative identification.

Citação: Severo, Rogério Passos (2005). "Three Remarks on the Interpretation of Kant on Incongruent Counterparts". Kantian Review: vol. 9, n. 1, pp. 30-57.