segunda-feira, 10 de outubro de 2011

The Communication of Certainty and Uncertainty. Linguistic, Psychological, Philosophical aspects

The International Conference "The Communication of Certainty and Uncertainty. Linguistic, Psychological, Philosophical aspects" will be hosted by the University of Macerata from 3rd to 5th October 2012. The Certainty or Uncertainty of a piece of information communicated by a speaker/writer plays a significant role both in building knowledge or beliefs in the interlocutor’s mind and in choosing the appropriate linguistic and non-linguistic behaviour during and after verbal interactions. The Conference focuses on  how speakers and writers express their individual degrees of Certainty or Uncertainty towards the piece of information they are giving hearers/readers during the communicative process, i.e. at the time when (= Now) and in the place where (= Here) communication occurs. The Conference topic can be approached from different perspectives and in different - European and non European - languages. Proposals are invited for papers mainly on linguistic, psychological and philosophical aspects of the communication of Certainty and Uncertainty. The Conference aims to be interdisciplinary and therefore welcomes proposals from scholars from different areas.

Deadline for abstract submission : April 30th  2012.
Location: Palazzo Menichelli, via della Pescheria Vecchia
http: //