segunda-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2011

7th Workshop on Method for Modalities (M4M7)

CALL FOR PAPERS / Osuna, Spain / November 9-12, 2011

The 7th Methods for Modalities workshop will take place at a University of Sevilla college in Osuna, a provincial town in between Malaga and Sevilla. Confirmed invited speakers for the workshop are:

* Melvin Fitting, City University of New York
* David Gabelaia, Academy of Sciences, Georgia
* Andreas Herzig, IRIT, Toulouse
* Thomas Schwentick, Technical University of Dortmund 

 The M4M workshop will be preceded by a one-day course for doctorate students and interested researchers, on 9 November 2011. The PhD school will be organized at the University of Malaga. The lecturers at the PhD school will be:


* Alexandru Baltag, Oxford University, and Sonja Smets, University of Groningen
* Yde Venema, University of Amsterdam 

 Part of M4M will be a half-day workshop LAMAS (Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems), see and the M4M page.

The proceedings of M4M Osuna will appear as a volume in the Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) series.


 The workshop METHODS FOR MODALITIES (M4M) aims to bring together researchers interested in developing algorithms, verification methods and tools based on modal logics. Here the term "modal logics" is conceived broadly, including temporal logic, description logic, guarded fragments, conditional logic, temporal and hybrid logic, etc.

We strongly encourage young researchers and students to submit papers, also about experimental and prototypical software tools which are related to modal logics. 

Paper Submissions 

 Authors are invited to submit papers in the following three categories. 

 - Regular papers up to 15 pages, describing original research. 
- System descriptions of up to 12 pages, describing new systems or significant upgrades of existing ones. 
- Presentation-only papers, describing work recently published or submitted (with a 15 page limit). These will not be included in the proceedings, but pre-prints or post-prints can be made available to participants. 

Papers should be prepared in ENTCS proceedings style, and should be submitted as .pdf. Submissions should be made via EasyChair at the following address: 

The submission chair is not yet open. It will open at least one month before the submission deadline and further notifications will be sent. 

Important dates 

 Deadline for submissions: July 15, 2011 
Notification: September 1, 2011 
Camera ready versions: September 15, 2011 
PhD school: November 9, 2011 
Workshop dates: November 10-12, 2011

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