Thursday and Friday, 6/7th September 2012
Venue in Hammersmith, close to tube station
Saturday and Sunday, 8/9th September 2012
Venue to be confirmed
These two-day dialogues form the final part of our current facilitator training programme, and our two trainers, Kirsten Malmquist and Dieter Krohn from Germany, will be mentoring and observing the trainees whilst they deliver the dialogues.
The facilitators will be
Bernadette McCreight and Santosh Kumar
Some of you have already let us know that you can attend the weekend dialogue, you are welcome to confirm participation. We still have places for both dialogues. Attendance involves being present on both days for the full session.
If you would like to attend please let me know and I will send you fuller details and inform the trainers.
If you know anyone else who may be interested in attending please feel free to forward this invite on to them.