ESSLLI 2012 - Opole, Poland - August 13-17, 2012
Workshop description
Trivalent logics have been an object of extensive study since at least the
work of Lukasiewicz, with applications to a wide range of natural language
phenomena, including presupposition, conditionals and vagueness. While
many-valued logics can be studied on their own, there has been a regain of
interest for three-valued logics in recent years, with the emergence of new
perspectives regarding their applicability to natural language.
In the theory of presupposition projection, in particular, the question of
whether the projection of presupposition can be dealt with by means of a
trivalent truth-functional semantics has been the object of renewed
attention, in particular because truth-functional trivalent approaches
appear as a main competitor to both dynamic and pragmatic approaches (viz.
Beaver and Krahmer 2001, George 2008, Fox 2008, all of them giving special
attention to so-called middle-Kleene logic proposed by Peters, and the
recent debates with Schlenker). In the area of vagueness, ways have been
proposed to combine the canonical paracomplete and paraconsistent
three-valued logics of Kleene and Priest in order to deal with the paradoxes
of vagueness, and to account for phenomena such as meaning coarsening and
strengthening (viz. Avron et Konikowska 2008, Cobreros et al. 2010). In the
literature on conditionals, finally, the question remains largely open of
the selection between a wide range of candidates for the definition of a
suitable three-valued conditional (viz. Bradley 2002, Cantwell 2008, Huitink
2009, Rothschild 2009). From a more foundational point of view, finally, the
meaning attached to the third truth value can vary significantly depending
on the problem under consideration and the definition of logical consequence
considered to be relevant.
The aim of this workshop is to solicit new contributions for the extension
of two-valued logic with a third truth-value. Submissions are encouraged on
logical and linguistics aspects of the use of 3-valued logics, with
relevance on the following topics:
- applications of trivalent logic to quantification in natural language
- trivalent logics for conditionals / vagueness / presupposition
- are vagueness and presupposition susceptible of a unified treatment in
trivalent logic?
- logical consequence and proof-theory for three-valued logic
- unification and classification of 3-valued logics
- connection between 3-valued logics and other non-classical logics
- partial 2-valued logics vs. 3-valued logics
- do we need more than three truth-values? can we dispense with a third
truth value?
Invited speakers
Arnon Avron
Janneke Huitink
Grzegorz Malinowski
Submission details
Submission should be made via the workshop website:
or directly on Easychair:
Please send your submission in PDF format, at most 10 pages. The recommended
submission style is LNCS style, 10 pts, bibliography included
If needed due to space reasons, technical material such as proofs may be
added in an appendix of at most 5 pages.
We are working to arrange for a special journal issue to publish revised and
extended versions of the best conference papers.
All participants will have to register to ESSLLI.
Important Dates
Deadline for Submission: March 2, 2012
Author Notification: April 15, 2012
Inclusion in ESSLLI Proceedings: June 1, 2012
Workshop in Opole: August 13, 17, 2012
Program committee
Arnon Avron
Pablo Cobreros
Paul Egré (co-chair)
Janneke Huitink
Grzegorz Malinowski
David Ripley (co-chair)
Robert van Rooij
Project 'Borderlineness and Tolerance' (FFI2010-16984, directed by P.
Cobreros) funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Government of Spain
European Research Council (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC Advanced Grant agreement
n°229 441-CCC (CPR project, directed by F. Recanati)
EURYI project "Presupposition: A formal pragmatic approach" hosted by
Institut Jean-Nicod (directed by P. Schlenker)
The workshop is organized as part of the 24th edition of the European Summer
School in Logic, Language and Information
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