18-23 June 2012, University of Cambridge.
In conjunction with CiE 2012,
Important Dates
* 11 May 2012: Submission deadline
* 31 May 2012: Author notification
* 18-23 June 2012: Student Sessions
The contributions and program will be available online before the event.
The CiE-IFCoLog student sessions is an initiative to encourage undergraduate and master students to present their research projects at high profile computer science events, and offer a good opportunity for undergraduate and masters students to interact with more senior researchers. In 2012 CiE is celebrating the life achievements of Alan Turing and we believe that being involved in this event, will be an exciting opportunity for young people contemplating a research career.
The CiE-IFCoLog student sessions will consider papers in all aspects of computability and foundations of computer science, as well as well as papers exploring the interplay of these theoretical areas with practical issues in computer science and with other disciplines such as biology, mathematics, philosophy, or physics.
See CiE’s CFP for a list of topics:
More details about the event will become available in
Submission and Publication
Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract (max. 5 pages). Papers should be written in English, and submitted in PostScript or PDF format, using the EasyChair class style.
After the student session, authors of accepted submissions will be asked to submit a final version to be published in a biannual issue of the IFCoLog workshop series.
Submission is through the Easychair website:
Programme Committee
Sandra Alves
Edwin Brady
Maribel Fernández
Michael Gabbay
Ian Mackie
Andrew Pits
Pedro Vasconcelos
Michael Gabbay: michael.gabbay@kcl.ac.uk