Center for Subjectivity Research,
University of Copenhagen, 6-10 August 2012
The course will provide essential insights into central themes within the philosophy of mind, viewed from a phenomenological perspective. Topics include: intentionality, perception, empathy, introspection and justification. The course will consist of a mixture of key note lectures, PhD presentations and seminars (30 hours total), aimed at advanced MA students and PhD students. It is co-funded by the PhD programme in philosophy at the University of Copenhagen.
Preliminary programme:
Monday 6 August: Søren Overgaard (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Perceptual Experience in Husserl's Phenomenology
Tuesday 7 August: Sophie Loidolt (Universität Wien, Austria)
Intentionality and Justification
Wednesday 8 August: Charles Siewert (Rice University, Houston, USA)
Phenomenality and Introspection
Thursday 9 August: Uriah Kriegel (University of Arizona, Tucson, USA)
Non-Perceptual Phenomenology
Friday 10 August: Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Dissecting Empathy: Husserl and Stein
The deadline for applying is 7 May 2012.
For more info and registration, please go to