27-29 September 2012
Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University in cooperation with the Institute of Psychology, Jagiellonian University and AGH University of Science and Technology.
The 1st International Krakow Conference in Cognitive Science: Consciousness and Volition will focus on the current state of consciousness research, with particular reference to connections with issues pertaining to volitional acts. Principal topics will include: mental acts of volition, perception, memory, qualia, emotions, as well as the neurophysiological and physical foundations of all of these. We will also set out to analyse the possibility of artificial modeling of such mental acts, and correlations between them and experimentally discoverable events. However, the conference program is expected to include a wide-range of related topics and innovative approaches, even where these involve research with explicitly interdisciplinary orientation. For further information please view our conference homepage at http://www.cognitivescience. eu/
Invited speakers:
Peter Halligan
Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Bernhard Hommel
Leiden University, the Netherlands
Zdzisław Kowalczuk
Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Thomas Metzinger
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany
David Papineau
King's College London, United Kingdom
Call for papers
The conference organizers cordially invite prospective participants to submit original proposals for consideration.
For a 30-minute presentation, we accept a 450-600 word abstract. All abstracts should be prepared for blind review and submitted through: http://www.cognitivescience. eu/index.php?s=registration
The deadline for applications is 15 May 2012.
Organizing committee:
Sebastian T. Kołodziejczyk (Cognitive Science Unit, Jagiellonian University)
Magdalena Senderecka (Cognitive Science Unit, Jagiellonian University)
Michał Wierzchoń (Experimental Psychology Unit, Jagiellonian University)