Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, UK
Friday 15th June, 2012
The philosophy of education stands in danger of becoming a neglected field
at precisely the moment we need to be able to reflect upon the increasingly
apparent costs of a technocratic attitude to education. ‘What’s the use of
philosophy of education?’ is a one-day workshop dedicated to exploring and
re-energising philosophy of education, broadly conceived. We welcome
educators, philosophers, social theorists and scholars from any field
interested in education.
• Prof. Paul Standish (Institute of Education)
• Prof. Jon Nixon (Sheffield)
“Persons...are to be formed, persons who...will uphold some substance in
life, who will have not only morale, but moral strength, and so will be able
to pass on moral strength to others;...What we seek to do through the
educating of individuals is the building of a community...”.
Martin Buber, First Circular Letter of the Centre for Jewish Adult
Education, May 1934
Many of the educational policy changes emerging from the Coalition
Government seem far-reaching and radical, but critical debate surrounding
the initiatives remain largely at a populist level. What role does the
philosophy of education have in a policy environment determined by a
political urge to capture the electoral middle-ground? Is there an urgency
attached to thinking about educational matters in the face of ideology? Has
a generation of vocal philosophers of education been replaced with
philosophical quietism?
We welcome proposals for 20 minute papers (plus 10 minute discussion) on any
aspect of the philosophy of education and from any discipline, including
Philosophy, Ethics, Educational Studies, Social Theory, Theology, and History.
The deadline for receipt of abstracts is 30th April, 2012. Please send
proposals for individual papers (maximum 250 words) and a short bio to
Please see workshop webpage for further details:
The organisers are very grateful to Liverpool Hope University for its
generous support for this event. Travel bursaries are available for
students/unwaged participants. Please contact the organising committee for
more details:
Organising Committee:
Dr David Lewin:
Dr Alex Guilherme:
Dr Morgan White:
Dr Daniela Mangione: