October 19-20, 2012
Keynote Speaker: Michael Huemer
(University of Colorado, Boulder)
Commentator: Richard Feldman
(University of Rochester)
Special Guest Speaker: Trent Dougherty
(Baylor University)
The philosophy department at the University of Rochester welcomes
submissions in the field of analytic epistemology, broadly construed.
We also welcome hybrid epistemology papers which are also (partially)
in the fields of ethics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language,
philosophy of religion, or metaphysics.
Guidelines: Papers should be no more than 3,000 words (approx. 12
pages), excluding notes and references. Submissions should also
include a second sheet with an abstract (200 words or fewer). Papers
should be suitable for blind review: include detachable cover page
with the paper's title, author's name, mailing address, email, phone
number, school affiliation, and word count; please omit any self-
identifying marks within the body of the paper.
Papers should be emailed as an attachment to conference organizer Matt
Frise at ur.7th.epistemology. conference@gmail.com in ‘.doc’ or ‘.pdf’
Deadline for submission: July 31st, 2012
Accommodations: Lodging (with UR philosophy grads), transportation in
Rochester, and most meals will be provided.
Conference Web Page: https://sites.google.com/site/ urgradepistemologyconference/