During the second half of the twentieth century, Sir Michael Dummett, who died at the end of 2011, exercised a profound influence within the sphere of analytic philosophy and beyond. teorema invites the submission of papers on all aspects of his philosophy for a special issue to be published in 2013. Papers that attempt to sum up the significance of his philosophical legacy within the philosophy of language, philosophy of logic and philosophy of mathematics are particularly welcome, as are those which deal with his wider contribution to social issues such as racism and immigration. Articles must be written in English and should not exceed 6,000 words.
For the presentation of their articles, authors are requested to take into account the instructions available at
Submissions must be suitable for blind review. Both a DOC and a PDF document must be sent to the Editor by October 15th 2012. Notification of intent to submit, including both a title and a brief summary of the content, will be greatly appreciated, as it will assist with the coordination and planning of the special issue.
Guest Editor for this issue will be Assoc. Prof. Karen Green (Monash University).
Contact details for queries and submissions:
Prof. Luis M. Valdés Villanueva
Editor of teorema
E-mail: teorema@uniovi.es
Site: www.unioviedo.es/Teorema