Rainolds Room
Corpus Christi College
This two day workshop will explore the metaphysics of powers by engaging with the recent work of John Heil on this topic. Heil's theory of powerful qualities will be investigated with particular attention to understanding how it compares with Power Structuralism, and what is distinctive in each theory. The workshop will include talks by John Heil, Anna Marmodoro and Alexander Kelly, and will also allow ample time for discussion of any issue from John Heil's work.
Thursday 26 April 2012
2 – 3:30pm: John Heil, TBC
3:30 – 4pm: coffee break
4 – 5:30pm: Alexander Kelly, 'What makes a quality powerful?'
Friday 27 April 2012
11am – 1pm: Anna Marmodoro, 'Structural powers in Aristotle's metaphysics'
lunch break
2 – 4pm: Q&A session with John Heil about his own work and that of C.B. Martin
Registration is free but it would be helpful if you could email powers@philosophy.ox.ac.uk if you plan to attend.