quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012

'Medicine and Society' Seminar Series

Dear Friends, I am pleased to invite you to the third installement of the 'Medicine and Society' seminar series, sponsored by UWE Philosophy and The Royal Institute of Philosophy. On March 28th, from 19:00, at the Goldbrick House, 69 Park St. Bristol,BS1 5PB, Dr John Sellars (UWE) will give a talk titled "Philosophy as Medicine: Stoicism and Cognitive Psychotherapy" (abstract below). The talk will be followed by a discussion and a small reception. Attendence is free of charge but registration is kindly requested as places are limited. 

To register or for more information please contact Darian Meacham

Abstract: "Distinct from the philosophy of medicine is the idea of philosophy as medicine. Might philosophy itself have some therapeutic value? I want to explore this question by looking at the way in which ancient Stoic philosophy claimed to be a form of therapy and also the perhaps unexpected way in which a number of key figures in the development of modern cognitive psychotherapy have cited Stoicism as a key influence on their work. In short I shall try to show both that ancient Stoic philosophy is itself a form of cognitive psychotherapy and that it stands behind modern forms of cognitive psychotherapy as well."