terça-feira, 13 de março de 2012

IP: Events at the Institute of Philosophy‏

THIS WEEK: Tues 13 Mar, 5.00 pm / Logic and Metaphysics Forum: Room 103, first floor, Senate House, WC1 / Dan Isaacson (Oxford): How to express knowledge about numbers and sets that cannot be formally expressed

Thurs 15 - Fri 16 Mar, 10.00am (for 10.30) – 6.00pm (1.30pm end on Day 2, G22/26)
Two-day conference: Room 349, second floor, Senate House, WC1
Theorising Expertise
http://philosophy.sas.ac.uk/d/f/TheorisingExpertise15160312prog.pdf (registration required)
Mark Addis (Birmingham City University)
Fernand Gobet (Brunel)
Andreas Roeperstoff (Aarhus)
Paul Snowdon (UCL)
Jan Derry (IOE)
Ben Kotzee (Birkbeck)


Mon 26 Mar, 2.00 pm [NB. different schedule]
IP Lunchtime seminar: G35, Ground floor, Senate House, WC1
Richard Heck (Brown)
Against Disquotation

Tues 27 Mar, 10.00am (for 10.30) – 6.00pm
One-day conference: G22/26, Ground floor, Senate House, WC1
Originalism about Concepts
http://philosophy.sas.ac.uk/d/f/270312_Originalism.pdf (registration required)
Michael Tye (UT Texas)
Mark Sainsbury (UT Texas)
Asa Wikforss (Stockholm)
Francois Recanati (IJN, Paris)

Wed 28 Mar, 6.30 pm
London Gastronomy Seminar: Beveridge Hall (Senate House, Ground Floor)
Per Møller, Ole Mouritsen, Lars Williams
Flavour and the New Nordic Cuisine
Abstract & Registration (essential): http://www.londongastronomyseminars.com/upcoming.htm

Fri 30 Mar, 2.00 (for 2.30) - 6.00 pm
IP Aesthetics Forum: British Museum, Great Russell Street, WC1.
Giulia Bartrum (British Museum), Sebastian Gardner (UCL)
German Romantic Aesthetics
Supported by the British Museum and British Society of Aesthetics
Followed by a reception at the Institute of Philosophy.
Please register http://www.londonaestheticsforum.org/?page_id=1363

Mon 2 Apr, 4.00 pm
IP Perception, Senses and Action Forum: S265, second floor, Senate House, WC1
Ned Block (NYU)
Conscious, Preconscious, Unconscious
Abstract: http://events.sas.ac.uk/support-research/events/view/10944