At Durham University on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd March 2012, generously sponsored by the British Society of Aesthetics, Durham University's Institute of Advanced Study, and the Department of Classics & Ancient History at Durham University.
Thursday 22nd March 2012
The College of St Hild and St Bede, Durham
12.45-1.00 p.m. Registration
1.00-2.15 p.m. Lunch
2.15-2.20 p.m. Introduction and welcome
Session 1: Beauty and the Greeks
2.20-3.20 Professor David Konstan (New York University): The Greek Idea of Beauty
3.20-3.45 Tea and coffee
Session 2: Aesthetics in Literature
3.45-4.45 Professor Pierre Destree (University of Louvain-la-Neuve): Beauty and Aesthetic Pleasures
4.45-5.45 Professor Malcolm Heath (University of Leeds): Unity
6.00-7.00 Drinks reception
7.30-10.00 Conference dinner
10.00 Bus shuttle to Van Mildert College
Friday 23rd March 2012
The Lindisfarne Centre, St Aidan's College, Durham
Session 3: Beauty in Painting
9.30-10.30 Professor Agnès Rouveret (University of Paris X-Nanterre): Painting and private art collections in Rome
10.30-11.00 Coffee
Session 4: Aesthetics in Architecture
11.00-12.00 Professor Catherine Saliou (University of Paris VIII): Architectural Beauty and Society, 4th century B.C. to 4th century A.D.
12.00-1.00 Dr Edmund Thomas (Durham University): Reflections on Architectural Beauty and Aesthetics
1.00-2.30 Lunch
2.30-3.30 Table Ronde. Respondent: Professor Glenn Most (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
3.30-4.00 Tea and coffee
4.00-7.00 Excursions (Durham Cathedral, Palace Green Library)
There is no conference fee, but a small charge is made for lunch (£5.50, students or unwaged £4.50) and dinner (£25 + wine, students £20 + wine).
Anyone interested in attending the conference should please email me at by Wednesday 7th March.
A small number of rooms are available at Van Mildert College for those requiring overnight accommodation at the following rates:
Single ensuite: £42
Single, shared bathroom: £31
Twin, ensuite: £76
Enquiries regarding accommodation should be sent to Mrs Janet Dawson, Van Mildert College at