We are pleased to announce that Prof. Edward N. Zalta (Stanford University) will give a six lectures course in “Axiomatic Metaphysics” at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Santiago de Compostela (SPAIN), on April 16-27, 2012. The course is organized by the EPISTEME Research Group at the Department of Logic and Moral Philosophy, University of Santiago de Compostela. The address is given below. Each lecture will be two hours long: a lecture of 60-75 minutes will be followed by 30-45 minutes of questions and discussion.
In this lecture series, we work through the most interesting results of the axiomatic theory of abstract objects. In particular, we will derive theorems governing logical objects (truth-values, extensions, directions, shapes), Plato's Forms, fictions, situations and possible worlds, Leibnizian concepts and Leibnizian modal metaphysics, Fregean numbers and Fregean senses, and mathematical objects and relations. We will also consider various interpretations of the formal theory, including Platonism, fictionalism, logicism, structuralism, etc. If there is time, we shall study the system computationally, by seeing how the axioms can be implemented in an automated reasoning environment.
The plan of the lectures is the following:
Monday 16: 16’15-18’15
Wednesday 18: 16’15-18’15
Friday 20: 12’15-14’15
Monday 23: 16’15-18’15
Wednesday 25: 16’15-18’15
Friday 27: 16’15-18’15
For further information, please contact:
Xavier de Donato
Department of Logic and Moral Philosophy
Faculty of Philsophy
Plaza Mazarelos s/n
15782 Santiago de Compostela
Tel: (00 34)981 563 100 + 12657
Fax: (00 34)981 530 847