Edward Worth Library, Dublin
When: 12-13 July 2012
Where: The Edward Worth Library, Dublin, Ireland.
Information and Registration: eaboran@tcd.ie
In recent years, considerable attention has been devoted to the elucidation of the precise nature and scope of Newton’s influence on eighteenth-century science in particular, and on Enlightenment culture more generally. The Edward Worth Library is uniquely positioned to contribute to ongoing reassessment. An early eighteenth century library belonging to a Dublin physician, Edward Worth (1678-1733), the Library and its holdings bears witness to the spread of newtonianism in Ireland. Worth’s collection reminds us of the range and depth of the newtonian impact on Europe and the crucial role played by second generation newtonians in clarifying, classifying and re-presenting Newton’s ideas. To mark Dublin City of Science 2012 the Worth Library is organising a two-day conference to explore the many facets of Newton’s legacy. It is envisaged that a selection of the papers will be published.
Speakers include: Professor Mordechai Feingold (Caltech); Professor Sarah Hutton (Aberystwyth University); Professor Robert Iliffe (University of Sussex); Dr Scott Mandelbrote (Peterhouse College, Cambridge); Professor William Newman (Indiana); and Professor Lawrence M. Principe (Johns Hopkins University).
Abstracts of 300 words and a short author profile should be sent to Dr Elizabethanne Boran (eaboran@tcd.ie) no later than 1 March 2012. Independent scholars and researchers from all disciplines are welcome. Accommodation and registration costs will be covered and a small number of travel bursaries are available.
Organisers: Dr Elizabethanne Boran, Librarian, The Edward Worth Library, Dublin.
Professor Mordechai Feingold (Caltech).
This is a partner conference of Dublin City of Science 2012.