sábado, 7 de janeiro de 2012

Lecturer in Political Theory University of Leeds - Education, Social Sciences & Law

 Job Summary

You will be a full member of the School of Politics and International Studies. As a research active academic, you will maintain a strong research and publication record, and contribute to the School’s research activities and research culture. You will deliver undergraduate and taught postgraduate modules in appropriate subject areas, as well as supervising BA and MA dissertations; and recruit and supervise PhD candidates. You will also undertake a normal load of administrative duties within the School. You will have research expertise in any of the core areas of political theory, including the history of political thought, continental political philosophy and analytical political theory. You will be involved in the research, teaching and administration of the School as well as contributing to related activities within the school and the wider faculty. You will work within University values and policies which are designed to promote dignity, diversity and inclusiveness.

 University Grade 7 (£32,751 - £35,788 p.a.) or University Grade 8 (£36,862 - £44,016 p.a.)

 Informal enquiries to Head of School, Professor Kevin Theakston email K.Theakston@leeds.ac.uk, tel +44 (0)113 343 4391 or Academic Group Leader Dr. David Seawright, email D.Seawright@leeds.ac.uk, tel +44 (0)113 343 6898

 Closing Date: 19 January 2012

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 Discussions should be moved to chora: enrol via

 Other philosophical resources on the Web can be found at http://www.liv.ac.uk/pal.