From 9-11 May 2012, the conference Towards a sustainable bio-based society: aligning scientific and societal agendas for bio-innovation will take place in Amsterdam. This conference is organized by CSG (Centre for Society and the Life Sciences) in collaboration with the European Science Foundation (ESF), the ESRC Genomics Network (EGN, United Kingdom) and GEN-AU (Austria).
Confirmed Keynote Speakers: George Gaskell, Ruth Chadwick, Herbert Gottweis, Luuk van der Wielen, Christine Hauskeller, David Castle, Hub Zwart, Jan van Hest
- identify key trends in the co-evolution of contemporary bio-societies on the one hand and life science research on the other
- explore the opportunities, challenges and concerns for society at large arising from these trends
- develop a roadmap towards a sustainable bio-based economy through the alignment of scientific and societal agendas.
This meeting will include plenary presentations by keynote speakers, interviews, forum discussion as well as poster presentation sessions.
We hereby invite early stage researchers (e.g. Ph.D. researchers and post-docs) to submit proposals for poster presentations on issues relevant for life sciences, policy, industry, funding agencies and media. These might include (but are not confined to) reflections on the societal aspects of the following issues:
• Sustainable bio-innovation
• Societal impact of synthetic biology and bionanoscience
• Private/public partnerships and IPR
• Biomimesis, biomaterials and biofuels
General information about the conference, and the submission details for the call for poster abstracts can be found on the conference website (still under construction):www.listen-network.nl/esf- conference
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