More information on the process may be seen at A number of University and Departmental studentships will be available for good applicants on a (highly) competitive basis. Part-time study is also a possibility. Here are some examples of the sort of thing you might wish to do. They are illustrative examples only and applicants are not expected to pick one of them.
- The evolution of Hayek's monetary theory
- The micro and the macro of the labour theory of value
- Keynes's wartime vision of the post-war international financial system
- The methodology of orthodox and heterodox economics
- Rhetoric and pluralism
- 18th century providentialism
The deadline for the University bursaries is Friday 9 March 2012. Unsuccessful applications for University bursaries may still be considered for a Departmental one. Applicants would have to agree a proposal with me well before 9 March.
Please do ask potential candidates to send me an email: - and do also disseminate this announcement, with care of course. Many thanks.
Dr Andy Denis
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Economics Department
City University London
London EC1V 0HB
+44 (0)20 7040 0257